«Если душа родилась крылатой...»

Аллея русских поэтов, художников и композиторов в г. Вашгтоне

Guy Mason Park

Walk of Russian Poets, Composers and Painters


Russian Poets

April 28, 2003

East Side West Side

V Boris Pasternak Aleksandr Pushkin V

V V 1890-1960 1799 – 1837 V V

V Marina Tsvetaeva Mikhail Lermontov V

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< V 1892-1941 1814 – 1841 V >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

V Osip Mandelstam Fyodor Tyutchev V

Russian Composers V 1891-1938 1803 – 1873 V Russian Painters

2006 V Anna Akhmatova Afanasy Fet V 2011

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< V 1889-1966 1820 – 1892 V >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

V V V V Nikolay Gumilev Aleksandr Blok V V V V

Sergei Prokofiev 1886-1921 1880 – 1921 Wassily Kandinsky

1891-1953 1866-1944

Igor Stravinsky <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nicholas Roerich

1882-1971 1874-1947

Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Kazimir Malevich

1840-1893 1878-1935

Sergei Rachmaninoff David Burliuk,

1873-1943 1882-1967

Dmitri Shostakovich Marc Shagall

1906-1975 1887-1985


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>





From The History of Walk of Russian Poets, Composers and Painters at Guy Mason Park

In 2003, following the idea introduced by Uli Zislin, the Curator of Washington Museum of Russian Poetry and Music and Curator of this Project, the first row of Columnar European Hornbeam trees from the family of European birch was planted, sponsored by Prof. Edward Lozansky, with Milton Grossman, the gardener of Guy Mason Park being instrumental in obtaining the permit for the plantings.

The east row of the Walk, planted April 28, 2003, is dedicated to the poets of the twentieth century Silver Age of Russian Poetry: Boris Pasternak, Marina Tsvetaeva, Osip Mandelstam, Anna Akhmatova, Nikolai Gumilev. The west row, planted April 26, 2004, is dedicated to the poets of the nineteenth century Golden Age of Russian Poetry: Aleksandr Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Fyodor Tyutchev, Afanasy Fet, and Aleksandr Blok, the last in the row, who links the Golden and Silver Ages in the history of Russian poetry and these great lyricists.

A memorial stone commemorating five outstanding Russian composers, especially popular in America: Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Igor Stravinsky, Dmitri Shostakovich, Sergei Prokofiev, was placed at the meadow end of the Walk of Russian Poets, on March 25, 2006. It was sponsored by Boris and Natalia Foxman, and made and installed by Chesapeake Monuments, Baltimore, Maryland.

A segment of the west side of the Walk is dedicated, since 2011, to famous Russian painters Wassily Kandinsky, Nicholas Roerich, Kazimir Malevich, David Burliuk and Marc Shagall, who also are especially popular in America.


Project Idea and Curator: Uli Zislin (Washington Museum of Russian Poetry and Music).

Sponsors: Edward Lozansky (Russia House), Boris and Natalia Foxman (NBAC Corp.).

Project Support: Milton Grossman (Friends of Guy Mason Park), Bob Haldeman (Guy Mason Center),

Vladimir Leytush (Chesapeake Monuments), Michael Zislin (Engineer).

Project Advisor: Marina Tyurina Oberlander (Poet and Writer).

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